Changing Seasons

This fall has been beautiful, hard, strange, delightful, discouraging, fun, tedious, and ultimately hopeful. We’ve had a full variety of weather to go with the full variety of feelings, haha.

Casey Scieszka and pink tree.JPG
everyone in the fall meadow.JPG
fall mountain and sky at the Spruceton Inn.JPG
Spruceton Valley in the fall.JPG
casey scieszka running in meadow with girls.JPG
at the barn.jpg
in the snow.JPG
Steven with Felix riding the sled.JPG
signs in snow.JPG

The gratitude I feel grows every day. So does my sense of responsibility. But again, like so many people, I’m feeling more hopeful this week than I have in a long, long time. After hearing Biden and Harris won we danced like we haven’t danced in months and and I ugly-cried so many tears of joy.

celebrating Joe Biden Kamala Harris victory.JPG

Here’s to hoping you’re feeling some joy right now too wherever you are!