Next Up, Croatia!
I have been jonesin' to go to Croatia for yeeeeeears.
Lucky for me, one of my best friends in marrying a wonderful Croatian man! (Thanks Alexandra!) So next month Steven and I are heading to Split for their wedding.
pic by cupsofthy on Tumblr
ascim on Tumblr
Since it's the middle of high season here at the Inn and I can't leave it ALL on my Assistant for too long, we're being total jet-setting ballers about it and going for only THREE DAYS.
I know. It's crazy. But what can ya do?
pics by ezwhit and For Life Is Not A Paragraph on Tumblr
We'll be in Split the whole time. Already rented an Airbnb in the old part of town with some of our other pals who are coming to the festivities too. Bottom line, I NEED YOUR RECS! What should we do in Split with just three days?? What should we eat? Drink? Dance to? Make sure to not miss?